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Sarah Hamilton Buxton grew up frequently visiting her grandparents’ farm where she developed an appreciation for the natural world, farmers, ranchers, and private landownership. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Wildlife Science and a Master’s Degree in Renewable Natural Resources with a concentration in Wildlife Science. Prior to joining the Xerces Society, Sarah worked as a Farm Bill Specialist where she gained experience as a private lands biologist, working with farmers and ranchers enrolled in USDA Conservation Programs. With the Xerces Society, Sarah increases the public’s awareness of pollinator conservation by educating people on the importance of pollinators (such as bees, butterflies, moths, wasps, flies, and beetles) to our way of life, our food systems, and our ecosystems. One of the primary ways she accomplishes this is by helping ranchers and farmers create and improve pollinator habitat on their operations throughout North Dakota and eastern Montana. She presented in the morning biology and wildlife science panel session of OBU's Women in STEM conference held on March 20, 2021.


women in stem conference
