Dean: Dr. Tim Knight

The Harvey and Bernice Jones Science Center is one of the finest facilities in the region and is home to the J.D. Patterson School of Natural Sciences at Ouachita. The School of Natural Sciences consists of the Departments of Biological Sciences (including Biology, Communication Sciences and Dietetics), Chemistry and Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science. The School of Natural Sciences seeks to provide the highest quality educational experience for all students. Our mission is to promote student learning in an atmosphere that nurtures critical and creative thinking, an appreciation of the beauty and complexity of natural systems, the development of ethical codes in striving for moral excellence, the ability to communicate effectively in speaking and writing, and an understanding of the importance of service and leadership. Within the liberal arts tradition, the School emphasizes the methods of science as it prepares all students for informed citizenship, and as it prepares natural science students for positions of leadership in the professions. These opportunities are provided through a variety of courses within the sciences as well as mentored research opportunities. The School provides curricula necessary for students to prepare for teaching, research as well as graduate and professional school – all within the liberal arts tradition.


Browse the J.D. Patterson School of Natural Sciences Collections:

Arkansas Women in STEM Conference

Department of Dietetics

Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences

Department of Physics