Margaret Donnell's ePortfolio
Download Personal Manifesto: What is Social Justice? (95 KB)
Download A Personal Statement (79 KB)
Download Decolonization of Thought: A Critical Look into the Memorialization and Remembrance of the Ukrainian Holodomor (151 KB)
Download Eugenics (93 KB)
Download Floral Imagery within Wartime Era Poetry: How Its Usage Transforms Memory and Remembrance (190 KB)
Download Protective Services or Protecting the Service?: An Analysis of the United States Child Protective System (283 KB)
Download Social Justice Capstone Paper (143 KB)
This e-portfolio showcases the academic work through both papers and documents of Margaret Ann Donnell's educational and work experience in achieving his social justice degree.
These documents are under a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND.
Publication Date
Spring 2020
social justice
Recommended Citation
Donnell, Margaret Ann, "Margaret Donnell's ePortfolio" (2020). Social Justice ePortfolios . 4.

Personal Manifesto: What is Social Justice? (Social Justice Class Paper): Senior year of high school was a time of growth for me. I began to define and understand who I wanted to be and why I was put on this Earth. My calling was summarized in one phrase: "Wake up every day asking not what you can do for yourself, but what can you do to serve others." The idea was to select a career path in which I could best serve others. This was an extensive process in regards to what I was passionate about and where I could best prepare myself for this work. As I was solidifying where I was going to continue my education and what I was going to study for the next four years, I realized that the best way to pursue this goal was through becoming a lawyer.
Personal Statement (Psychology Class Paper): My childhood was extraordinary. I knew from the beginning that there was something special about it, about me. I had something, an experience, that I could share with a select few. I was one of only one hundred and thirty five thousand children adopted annually in the United States.
Decolonization of Thought: A Critical Look into the Memorialization and Remembrance of the Ukrainian Holodomor (History-Decolonization Class Paper): A common misconception is that countries in the world today have surpassed the selfish desire of dominating other less-powerful countries, with the underlying belief that these countries do not have the means necessary to govern themselves. As great as it would be for this to be true, it is certainly not the case. While many believe the world powers and their former colonies are on good terms and all is well between the two, there are still areas of the world undergoing the process of decolonization. For many, this process has only just begun, as their decolonization struggle has proven to be much more systematic than previously believed. This is the story of those who suffered due to the infamous Ukrainian Holodomor.
Eugenics (History Class Paper): When considering the eugenics movement’s prominence in the political and social culture of the United States for many decades, one important question may arise: are the underlying thought- processes of the eugenics movement fundamental to the United States and its values as a nation? To answer this question, an analysis of the three founding documents of the country must be undertaken: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, and The Gettysburg Address.
Floral Imagery within Wartime Era Poetry: How Its Usage Transforms Memory and Remembrance (History-World at War Class Paper): The World Wars had a devastating impact on the soldiers and citizens that lived and suffered through them. They stood a tremendous toll physically, mentally, and emotionally. For many, if it was even possible, an escape was needed. Any outlet that could provide a way to cope with and verbalize their experiences was an endeavor worth undertaking. The arts, especially poetry, was a way those within the wartime eras could express and process what they had endured.
Ebola 100 Transcript: Donnell was the transcriber of an interview taken for the Ebola100 Project. For more information about the Ebola100 Project, visit https://ebola100project.net/projects. (Transcript not available.)
Protective Services or Protecting the Service?: An Analysis of the United States Child Protective System (Honors Thesis): In its recent history, the United States child protection system has proven to fulfill a desperate need within our nation regarding the welfare and well-being of our nation’s children. An overview of the child protection system’s development shows tremendous progress has been made. And yet, what was created to be a solution to the growing number of children experiencing maltreatment in the form of abandonment, abuse, and/or neglect, has potentially become the very problem.
Social Justice Capstone Paper (Social Justice Class Paper): As a senior in college, and especially as a senior in college whose final semester at their undergraduate institution was cut short by the coronavirus pandemic, you spend a great deal of your time reflecting. Particularly, I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on a question that was first proposed to me before I even began my undergraduate studies: what is social justice? Having devoted myself to the study of social justice for the past four years, I can now say with confidence what I personally believe it to be.