Molly Mattingly's ePortfolio

Molly Mattingly's ePortfolio


Download Personal Beliefs Essay (44 KB)

Download An Extra Chapter of "The Phantom Tollbooth" (19 KB)

Download The Difference Between A Psychopath and a Sociopath (64 KB)

Download Social Justice Capstone Paper (89 KB)


This e-portfolio showcases the academic work through both papers and documents of Melody Pruitt's educational and work experience in achieving his social justice degree.

These documents are under a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND.


Personal Beliefs Essay (Social Justice Class Paper): Ever since I was little I have had a heart for people. I have always wanted to know what was going on in their lives, and how I could help them. When I entered high school I did not want to go to college at all. I have always been good at school, but I have never liked it. After I graduated high school I wanted to move to a third world country, live in a hut, and tell people about Jesus while teaching English at a local school. This was not an option for my parents, so I began to look at schools. When I stumbled upon Ouachita Baptist University, I looked into psychology because I thought it might help me understand why people think and feel the way they do. I met with Dr. Wight Spring of 2015, and something he said to me has resonated with me for the past years. He told me “pretty smiles and hearts that love Jesus can’t change the world”. This was when it finally hit me that I did need college. I needed college to help me help people. Thus, counseling was put on my heart.

What If... Chapter 21: New Beginnings (An extra chapter from Norton Juster's "The Phantom Tollbooth")

The Difference between a Psychopath and a Sociopath (Sociology-Crime & Deviance Class Paper): In today’s society it is not uncommon to hear people joke around with each other, calling one another a “psychopath” or a “sociopath.” It is often used as a synonym for “crazy” or “over the top.” Most people can say that they have thrown the two different terms around loosely at some point. Contrary to popular belief or common misconception, psychopaths and sociopaths are are not the same thing.

The Unlikely Resources Provided by Human Resources (Social Justice Capstone Paper): My freshman year, I thought I wanted to study abroad for my broadening experience. I had planned to study abroad in Edinburgh the spring semester of my junior year. Those plans came to a halt after my freshman year ended. I had made amazing friends, joined a sorority, and decided that I did not want to give any of that up, even for a semester abroad. Also, the summer after my senior year of high school, I had spent a month backpacking across Europe. I had traveled before, so I wanted something new. This led me to choosing to partake in an internship instead. After three years of social justice classes, I knew I wanted my internship to be with some sort of nonprofit organization.

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social justice

Molly Mattingly's ePortfolio
