Featured Publications
Arkansas Baptist Association Records (Arkansas Baptist History)
Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1930-1934 (Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine)

The Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) is the official news journal of Arkansas Baptists and is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The digital archival collection of this series of the ABN contains the 1930 through 1934 issues, which share Bible study lessons, messages, and devotionals; announcements about Arkansas Baptist churches and pastors; Arkansas and national news that affects Arkansans and Baptists; reports on the state of the Arkansas Baptist State Conventions, its churches, the schools it supports, and its members; letters to the editor; and more.
Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 (Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine)

The Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) is the official news journal of Arkansas Baptists and is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The digital archival collection of this series of the ABN contains the 1945 through 1949 issues, which share Bible study lessons, messages, and devotionals; announcements about Arkansas Baptist churches and pastors; Arkansas and national news that affects Arkansans and Baptists; reports on the state of the Arkansas Baptist State Conventions, its churches, the schools it supports, and its members; letters to the editor; and more.
Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1950-1954 (Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine)

The Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) is the official news journal of Arkansas Baptists and is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The digital archival collection of this series of the ABN contains the 1950 through 1954 issues, which share Bible study lessons, messages, and devotionals; announcements about Arkansas Baptist churches and pastors; Arkansas and national news that affects Arkansans and Baptists; reports on the state of the Arkansas Baptist State Conventions, its churches, the schools it supports, and its members; letters to the editor; and more.
Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1955-1959 (Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine)

The Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) is the official news journal of Arkansas Baptists and is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The digital archival collection of this series of the ABN contains the 1955 through 1959 issues, which share Bible study lessons, messages, and devotionals; announcements about Arkansas Baptist churches and pastors; Arkansas and national news that affects Arkansans and Baptists; reports on the state of the Arkansas Baptist State Conventions, its churches, the schools it supports, and its members; letters to the editor; and more.
Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1960-1964 (Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine)

The Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) is the official news journal of Arkansas Baptists and is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The digital archival collection of this series of the ABN contains the 1960 through 1964 issues, which share Bible study lessons, messages, and devotionals; announcements about Arkansas Baptist churches and pastors; Arkansas and national news that affects Arkansans and Baptists; reports on the state of the Arkansas Baptist State Conventions, its churches, the schools it supports, and its members; letters to the editor; and more.
Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1965-1969 (Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine)

The Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) is the official news journal of Arkansas Baptists and is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The digital archival collection of this series of the ABN contains the 1965 through 1969 issues, which share Bible study lessons, messages, and devotionals; announcements about Arkansas Baptist churches and pastors; Arkansas and national news that affects Arkansans and Baptists; reports on the state of the Arkansas Baptist State Conventions, its churches, the schools it supports, and its members; letters to the editor; and more.
Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1970-1974 (Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine)

The Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) is the official news journal of Arkansas Baptists and is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The digital archival collection of this series of the ABN contains the 1970 through 1974 issues, which share Bible study lessons, messages, and devotionals; announcements about Arkansas Baptist churches and pastors; Arkansas and national news that affects Arkansans and Baptists; reports on the state of the Arkansas Baptist State Conventions, its churches, the schools it supports, and its members; letters to the editor; and more.
Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1980-1984 (Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine)

The Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) is the official news journal of Arkansas Baptists and is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The digital archival collection of this series of the ABN contains the 1980 through 1984 issues, which share Bible study lessons, messages, and devotionals; announcements about Arkansas Baptist churches and pastors; Arkansas and national news that affects Arkansans and Baptists; reports on the state of the Arkansas Baptist State Conventions, its churches, the schools it supports, and its members; letters to the editor; and more.
Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1985-1989 (Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine)

The Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) is the official news journal of Arkansas Baptists and is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The digital archival collection of this series of the ABN contains the 1985 through 1989 issues, which share Bible study lessons, messages, and devotionals; announcements about Arkansas Baptist churches and pastors; Arkansas and national news that affects Arkansans and Baptists; reports on the state of the Arkansas Baptist State Conventions, its churches, the schools it supports, and its members; letters to the editor; and more.
Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1990-1994 (Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine)

The Arkansas Baptist News (ABN) is the official news journal of Arkansas Baptists and is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The digital archival collection of this series of the ABN contains the 1990 through 1994 issues, which share Bible study lessons, messages, and devotionals; announcements about Arkansas Baptist churches and pastors; Arkansas and national news that affects Arkansans and Baptists; reports on the state of the Arkansas Baptist State Conventions, its churches, the schools it supports, and its members; letters to the editor; and more.
Arkansas Baptist State Convention Annuals (Arkansas Baptist History)
The library’s Archives and Special Collections Department serves as the official repository for historical records of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention and is home to more Arkansas Baptist materials than can be found anywhere else. The holdings include proceedings of the ABSC’s annual meetings, which date back to 1848, the year the ABSC was founded.
Digitization of the 1848-1900 annuals was funded in part by a grant from the Association of Librarians and Archivists at Baptist Institutions (ALABI).
Articles (Faculty Publications)
Books and Monographs (Faculty Publications)
Charlotte's Web: An OBU Theatre Production (Theatre Productions)
This collection features images from Ouachita Baptist University Department of Theatre Arts presentation of "Charlotte's Web," a play adapted from E.B. White's classic of the same title about a pig named Wilber, who is loved by a little girl and befriended by a clever spider named Charlotte. This performance was held in Verser Theatre on September 23-24, 2018.
To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/34/.
Christian Studies Class Publications (Pruet School of Christian Studies)
Creative Works (Faculty Publications)
Dietetics and Nutrition Class Publications (Department of Dietetics)
The Nutrition and Dietetics Program at Ouachita Baptist University is a Didactic Program in Nutrition and Dietetics (DPND) and has been granted accreditation status by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a specialized accreditation body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the US Department of Education. The Program is designed for students wishing to pursue careers as registered dietitians and is the first step in that process. Additionally, the Program enables students to acquire the essential knowledge, skills and dispositions in this academic discipline for successful careers, advanced studies, and student leadership. Through excellence in teaching, research, and service, the Didactic Program in Nutrition and Dietetics prepares students to meet the changing needs of individuals, consumers, and communities.
The dietetics program includes classes in human anatomy and physiology, chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition science, and medical nutrition therapy. The Program provides students with expertise in human nutrition, food systems management, diet therapy, community nutrition, and experimental methods in food science. The following are research papers and presentation materials submitted by students in the above classes.
Dietetics & Nutrition Theses and Scholars Day Presentations (Department of Dietetics)
Eurydice: An OBU Theatre Production (Theatre Productions)
The Cast included: Jordan Miller as Eurydice and Cody Myers as Orpheus. Other members included: C.J. Bernard, Sarah Davis, Timothy Drennan, Kayla Esmond, Tyler Herron, Shannon Huntsman, Nicole Mattson, Amanda Murray, Joe Ochterbeck, Alexis Pace, Ben Stidham, Blaine Surber, Heather White, and Betsy Wilson.
The Production Crew included: Student director Kathryn Kellogg; Stage manager--Garrett Whitehead; Assistant stage manager--Cami Willis; Costume crew head--Lacey Johnson; Costume crew--Brooke Brackett, Truett Dishman, Michelle Lackey, and Shay Michael; Costume designer--Amanda Murray; Makeup Crew head--Sarah Davis; Makeup crew--Brooke Ault and MaryLacey Thomson; Sound designer--Jacob Sturgeon; Lighting designer--Tyler Herron; Soundboard operator--Lauren Linton; Lightboard operator--Alison Johnson; Properties crew head--Ben Perry; Properties crew--Kelsey Gourd, Gemma Guiomard, Lola McClendon, Robby Taylor, Jalin Wesley, Tyler Wisdom, Amanda Murray, Joe Ochterbeck, and Garrett Whitehead; House manager--Lindsey Lederer; Lobby designer--Moriah Patterson; House crew--Gabriela Baltzley and Bethany Gere; Publicity crew--Mariah Miller and Kathryn Kellog; Graphic designer--Marshall Pope.

Fiddler on the Roof: An OBU Music Theatre Production (Opera and Musical Theatre Productions)
This collection features images from Ouachita Baptist University Department of Theatre Arts and Division of Music presentation of Fiddler on the Roof, a musical based on Sholem Aleichem's stories with a book by Joseph Stein, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and music by Jerry Bock. Fiddler on the Roof performances were held in Jones Performing Arts Center from April 20-23, 2017. To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/51/.
The Cast included: Scotty Scott as Tevye; Kayla Walker as Golde; Esther Atkinson as Tzeitel; Kenzie Osborn as Hodel; Hannah Hines as Chava; Emma Pitts as Shprintze; Daisy Page as Bielke; Cedar Valdez as Motel; Will Stotts as Perchik; Jesse Bowron as Fyedka; Clay Mobley as Lazar Wolf; Aaden Jones as Mordcha, the Innkeeper; Micah Brooks as the Rabbi; Jacob Hemsath as Mendel, the Rabbi's Son; Michael Pere as Avram, the Bookseller; Tyler Lewis as Nechum, the Beggar; Michaela Finley as Yente; Bret Sanders, as Shaindel, Motel's Mother; Carissa Walker as Grandma Tzeitel; Jessica Elliff as Fruma Sarah; Tyeler Mann as Sasha; Zack Myers as Yussell; Cody Walls as Russian Soloist; and Jeffery Wood as the Fiddler.
The Ensemble included: Dylan Blackwood, Hannah Fender, Tanner Fritsche, Graham Garrison, Bonnie Gentry, Aaron George, Lizzie Griffin, Hannah Hill, Mackenzie Holtzclaw, David Hudson, Lauren Hutcheson, Emily Johnson, Tyler Mann, Andrew Martin, Raleigh Peterson, Drake Puryear, Philip Robinson, Autumn Romines, Hannah Saunders, Lauren Terry, Colton Tillery, Anna Joie Valdez, Sharayah Wallace, and Rachel Webber.
The Production Crew included: Stage director--Dr. Scott Holsclaw, professor of Theatre; Music director--David Stanley, music instructor; Choreographer--Stacy Hawking; Stage manager--Nadalie Gill; Assistant stage managers--Jordan Martinez and Stephen Vaughn; Co-Dance captains--Hannah Fender and Dylan Blackwood; and Accompanists John Alec Briggs and Susan Moore.
The Production Teams included:
Makeup/Hair: Crew Head--Olivia Witcher; Crew members--Jessica Elliff, Lizzy Griffin, Lauren Hutchinson, Raleigh Peterson, Autumn Romines, Bret Sanders, Dallas Sleeman, and Carissa Walker.
Props: Crew Head--Kacy Spears; Assistant Crew Head--Anna Crane; Crew members--Dylan Blackwood, Matthew Burns, Michaela Finley, David Hudson, Hannah Saunders, and Cody Walls.
Scenery: Designer--Professor Eric Phillips, Professor of Theatre Arts; Crew Head--Marshall Pope; Crew members--Micha Brooks, Jesse Bowron, Graham Garrison, Tyler Mann, Michael Pere, Phillip Robinson, Emily Simons, and Cedar Valdez.
Lights: Designer--Professor Eric Phillips, Professor of Theatre Arts; Spot Light Operator--Nicki Ng; Crew members--Aaden Jones, Tyler Lewis, Andrew Martin, Scotty Scott, Will Stotts, and Lauren Terry.
Sound: Designer and Crew Head--Stephen Vaughn; Board Operator--Riley Madlock; Crew members--Chris Baggett and Meagan Woodard.
Publicity: Poster and program design--Adam Wheat, Fine Arts Administrator.
Front of House: House Manager--Allison Austin; Crew members--Esther Atkinson, Hannah Hill, Hannah Hines, Emily Johnson, Emma Pitts, and Sharayah Wallace.
JPAC: Crew Head--Steve Myers, JPAC Technical Director; Crew members--Jacob Cottrell and Sarah Neumann.
Footloose: An OBU Musical Theatre Production (Theatre Productions)
This collection features images from Ouachita Baptist University Musica Theatre presentation of Footloose: The Musical by Dean Pitchford and Walter Bobbie as its spring musical from Thursday, April 21 to April 24, 2016. To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/30/.
Cast members included Scotty Scott as Shaw Moore; Garrett Sayers as Ren; Hailey Weiner as Ariel; Kayla Walker as Rusty; Hunter Brown as Willard; Hannah Hines as Urleen; Will Stotts as Chuck; Stacy Hawking as Wendy Jo; Jacob Hemsath as Travis; Angela Morgan as Vi; Aaden Jones as Lyle; Esther Atkinson as Ethel; and Kenderick Scorza as Cowboy Bob.
Ensemble members included Vanja Bogetic, Mattie Bogoslavsky, Jesse Bowron, Micah Brooks, Tara Clem, Hannah Fender, Michaela Finley, Bethany Gere, Mackenzie Holtzclaw, Lauren Hutcheson, Tyler Lewis, Mercedes Mata, Zach Myers, Michael Peré, Kenzie Osborn, Kyle Osmon, Philip Robinson, Bret Sanders, Lauren Terry, Cody Walls, and AJ Valdez.
The Costumes Production Team included Designer--Assistant Professor Christina Johnson; Crew Head--Allison Austin; Crew Members--Tara Clem, Rachel Mack, Jordan Martinez, and Mercedes Mata. The Makeup/Hair Production Team included Designer--Assistant Professor Christina Johnson; Crew Head & Assistant Designer--Kathleen Suit; Crew Members--Natalie Williams and Olivia Witcher. The Props Production Team included Crew Head & Designer--Anna Darr; Crew Members--Sarah Engebrecht, Nadalie Gill, Bethany Gere, and Michael Peré. The Scenery Production Team included Scenery Designer & Technical Director--Professor and Theatre Chair Eric Phillips; Construction Crew shop workers led by Marshall Pope; Shifting/Run Crew Members--Walter Dodd, Moeke Fujita, and Dallas Sleeman. The Lights Production Team included Designer--Professor and Theatre Chair Eric Phillips; Spot Light Operator & Crew Member--Hannah Saunders. The Sound Production Team included Designer/Mic Operator/Sound Board Operator: Stephen Vaughn. The Lobby Production Team included Crew Head--Caroline Cain, assisted by Adam Wheat; Crew Members--Elizabeth Lawson and Kathleen Suit. The Front of House Production Team included House Manager--Riley Madlock; Ushers--Caroline Cain and Elizabeth Lawson. The Publicity Team included Distribution--Tara Clem and Garrett Sayers; Poster & Program Design--Adam Wheat.

Freedmen's Bureau: Arkansas Field Office Records (Digital Collections)
The years following the Civil War were tumultuous times in the South as people began to adjust to a new way of life. To assist in that effort, the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands--commonly called the Freedmen's Bureau--began work in Arkansas in June of 1865. In Arkansas, the federal agency helped a population of approximately 110,000 newly-freed African Americans. According to records, seventy-nine local agents served in thirty-six places in Arkansas from 1865 to 1869. Offices were set up in places of significant black population, including Arkadelphia. Today, the original records of the Freedmen's Bureau's Arkansas offices are housed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
For Arkansas in general and the Arkadelphia region in particular, the Freedmen's Bureau records on microfilm complement other local and regional primary source materials within the library's Archives and Special Collections holdings. When used together with the Arkadelphia City Council records, Clark County government records (tax and court), and the Southern Standard newspaper, a more complete picture of Reconstruction Era life and culture in the area can be discovered.
Transcription services of the Field Office Records were funded in part by the Black History Commission of Arkansas.
Guys and Dolls: An OBU Musical Theatre Production (Theatre Productions)
This collection features images from Ouachita Baptist University’s musical theatre program Guys and Dolls, which was performed in Jones Performing Arts Center on April 10-3, 2014. To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/15/.
Principal roles included: Timothy Drennan as Sky Masterson; Garrett Whitehead as Nathan Detroit; Alexis Morgan and MaryLacey Thomson as Sarah Brown; and Jordan Miller and Caitlin Secrest as Miss Adelaide.
Featured roles included: Chad Burris as Nicely Nicely; Cody Meyers as Benny Southstreet; Kenderick Scorza as Rusty Charlie; Joe Ochterbeck as Big Jule; Aaden Jones as Harry the Horse; Joel Rogier as Lt. Brannigan; Jacob Sturgeon as Arvide Abernathy; Cami Willis as Gen. Matilda; Nicole Mattson as Agatha, a Mission Member; Tyler Wisdom as Calvin, a Mission Member; Kayla Walker as Martha, a Mission Member; and Jessica Smith as Catherine, a Mission Member.
The Chorus Members included: Jalin Wesley as Joey Biltmore and Milk Ear Wiley; Taylor Ford as Angie the Ox; Blaine Surber as Liver Lips Louis; Kyle Osmon as Society Max and Hot Box Waiter One; Wes Savage as Tobias Tweeney and Hot Box Waiter Two; Garrett Sayers as Haystack Duggler and the Hot Box Master of Ceremonies; and Lauren Hutcheson as Mimi.
The Havana Chorus included: Kayla Esmond as Taylor Ford and Dancing Havana Couple; Jailin Wesley as Havana Waiter; Hannah Fender as Sexy Dancing Cuban Girl; Taylor Ford, Blain Surber, Wes Savage, and Garrett Sayers as Cuban Dancing Men; Kayla Esmond, Stacy Hawking, Lauren Hutcheson, and Kaylee Nebe as Cuban Dancing Ladies.
The Hot Box Dancers included: Kayla Esmond, Hannah Fender, Stacy Hawking, Lauren Hutcheson, Kaylee Nebe, Mattie Bogoslavsky, Bethany Gere, Lindsey Lederer, Bret Sanders, and Hailey Weiner.
The Production crew included: Director--Assistant Professor Daniel Inouye; Music Director--Dr. Jon Secrest; Costume Manager and Makeup/Hair Designer--Associate Professor Mary Handiboe; JPAC Box Office Manager--Linda Hatcher; JPAC Manager, Lighting Designer, and Technical Director--Joey Licklider; Costume Designer--Amanda Murray; Scene and Lighting Designer--Professor Eric Phillips; Choreographer--Grace Whitaker; Stage Manager--Laura Linton; and Assistant stage managers--Tara Clem, Shonna Jasperson, and Natalie Williams.
The Crew Heads included: House manager and lobby crew head--Gemma Guiomard; Costume crew head--Lacey Johnson; Publicity crew head--Cody Myers; Dance Captain--Garrett Whitehead; Prop Masters--Abby Root and Kathleen Suit.
Hello, Dolly!: An OBU Musical Theatre Production (Opera and Musical Theatre Productions)
This collection features images from Ouachita Baptist University’s musical theatre program, Hello, Dolly! which was performed in Jones Performing Arts Center on April 18-21, 2013. To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/13/.
Principal roles included: Bethany Swiontek as Dolly Levi; Jacob Sturgeon asf Horace Vandergelder; Chad Burris as Cornelius Hackl; and Garrett Whitehead as Barnaby Tucker; Caitlin Secrest and MaryLacey Thomson double-cast as Irene Molloy; Heather White and Hailey Weiner double-cast as Minnie Fay; Timothy Drennan and Cody Myers double-cast as Ambrose Kemper; Amanda Murray and Michelle Levy double-cast as Ermengarde; Shay Michael and Lola McClendo double-cast as Ernestina; and Joel Rogier as Rudolph Reisenweber.
Featured roles included: Danielle Love as Mrs. Rose; Walter Dodd as the Coachman and the Second Cook; Kayla Esmond and Cami Willis as the Horse and a core dancer; Tyler Wisdom as Stanley; Jalin Wesley as the First Cook; Dr. Casey Motl as the Judge; Dr. Ray Granade, Dr. Keldon Henley, and Dr. Jeff Root will play Policemen; Brooke Brackett as the Court Reporter; CJ Bernard as the Paperhanger and a core dancer.
Stacy Hawking served as the assistant choreographer and dance captain for the core dancers, which included: DeCarl Jones, Lauren Linton, Nicole Mattson, Todd McNeel, Jordan Miller, Kaylee Nebe, Joe Ochterbeck, Ben Stidham, and Blaine Surber. Chorus members included: Reed Ashley, Mattie Bogoslavsky, Ashley Bundy, Tara Clem, Bethany Gere, Shannon Huntsman, Blakely Knox, Ben Perry, Seth Russell, Kenderick Scorza, Jessica Smith, Lily Taylor, and Robby Taylor.
The lead production team included: Theatre Arts Associate Professor Mary Handiboe, director; Professor of Music Jon Secrest, music director/publicity coordinator; Instructor of Music David Stanley, assistant music director; Dean of the School of Fine Art Scott Holsclaw, producer; Professional Choreographer Sherry Barnard, choreographer; Betsy Wilson, stage manager; Sarah Davis, assistant stage manager; Dallas Sleeman, assistant stage manager; Professor of Theatre Arts Eric Phillips, scenic and lighting designer/technical director; Gemma Guiomard, assistant scene designer; JPAC Manager Joey Licklider, sound designer/JPAC technical director; Marshall Pope, theatre shop technical director, build supervisor; Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts Daniel Inouye, costume designer; Katelyn Sain, costume crew head; Lacey Johnson, makeup crew head; Alexis Nichols, properties crew head; Linda Hatcher, JPAC box office manager, box office manager; and Alison Johnson, house manager/publicity crew head; Garrett Whitehead, assistant dance captain; Cody Myers, marketing intern, and Amanda Murray, assistant costume designer.
Hello, Dolly!: An OBU Musical Theatre Production (Theatre Productions)
This collection features images from Ouachita Baptist University’s musical theatre program produced the acclaimed musical “Hello, Dolly!” in Jones Performing Arts Center on April 18-21, 2013. To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/13/.
Principal roles included: Bethany Swiontek as Dolly Levi; Jacob Sturgeon asf Horace Vandergelder; Chad Burris as Cornelius Hackl; and Garrett Whitehead as Barnaby Tucker; Caitlin Secrest and MaryLacey Thomson double-cast as Irene Molloy; Heather White and Hailey Weiner double-cast as Minnie Fay; Timothy Drennan and Cody Myers double-cast as Ambrose Kemper; Amanda Murray and Michelle Levy double-cast as Ermengarde; Shay Michael and Lola McClendo double-cast as Ernestina; and Joel Rogier as Rudolph Reisenweber.
Featured roles included: Danielle Love as Mrs. Rose; Walter Dodd as the Coachman and the Second Cook; Kayla Esmond and Cami Willis as the Horse and a core dancer; Tyler Wisdom as Stanley; Jalin Wesley as the First Cook; Dr. Casey Motl as the Judge; Dr. Ray Granade, Dr. Keldon Henley, and Dr. Jeff Root will play Policemen; Brooke Brackett as the Court Reporter; CJ Bernard as the Paperhanger and a core dancer.
Stacy Hawking served as the assistant choreographer and dance captain for the core dancers, which included: DeCarl Jones, Lauren Linton, Nicole Mattson, Todd McNeel, Jordan Miller, Kaylee Nebe, Joe Ochterbeck, Ben Stidham, and Blaine Surber. Chorus members included: Reed Ashley, Mattie Bogoslavsky, Ashley Bundy, Tara Clem, Bethany Gere, Shannon Huntsman, Blakely Knox, Ben Perry, Seth Russell, Kenderick Scorza, Jessica Smith, Lily Taylor, and Robby Taylor.
The lead production team included: Theatre Arts Associate Professor Mary Handiboe, director; Professor of Music Jon Secrest, music director/publicity coordinator; Instructor of Music David Stanley, assistant music director; Dean of the School of Fine Art Scott Holsclaw, producer; Professional Choreographer Sherry Barnard, choreographer; Betsy Wilson, stage manager; Sarah Davis, assistant stage manager; Dallas Sleeman, assistant stage manager; Professor of Theatre Arts Eric Phillips, scenic and lighting designer/technical director; Gemma Guiomard, assistant scene designer; JPAC Manager Joey Licklider, sound designer/JPAC technical director; Marshall Pope, theatre shop technical director, build supervisor; Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts Daniel Inouye, costume designer; Katelyn Sain, costume crew head; Lacey Johnson, makeup crew head; Alexis Nichols, properties crew head; Linda Hatcher, JPAC box office manager, box office manager; and Alison Johnson, house manager/publicity crew head; Garrett Whitehead, assistant dance captain; Cody Myers, marketing intern, and Amanda Murray, assistant costume designer.

History Class Publications (Department of History)
To ensure that students can develop breadth and depth across time periods and subject areas, the department offers a variety of courses covering U.S., European, and African/Caribbean histories. On-demand courses focus on smaller geographical and chronological pieces of history. The publications in this collection shows student works exploring historical research, analysis, and presentation as well as available professional and career paths (some of which requires graduate study).
Honors Colloquium (Carl Goodson Honors Program)
Honors Theses (Carl Goodson Honors Program)
The Honors Thesis is the culmination of the Honors Program, and for many students, the most significant single academic endeavor of their college career. Students complete the four-credit-hour thesis project over at least two semesters, usually their last two semesters before graduation. Students work closely with a thesis committee to plan and conduct the thesis project. The thesis topic and academic credit can be in one’s major or another area of study and must include some original research or scholarly contribution. In addition to allowing students to pursue individual academic interests, the thesis project is excellent preparation for students planning to pursue graduate studies.
Kinesiology Class Publications (Department of Kinesiology and Leisure Studies)
Mathematics Class Publications (Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences)
Mathematics Theses and Scholars Day Presentations (Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences)
Not A Clue: An OBU Muse Production (Theatre Productions)
This collection features images from Ouachita Baptist University Department of Theatre Arts presentation of a student-devised Muse Project written and directed by Hannah Fender. “Not A Clue” is a murder mystery where even the actors don’t know who did it! This performance was a student-led, interactive, improvised mystery. Performances were held in Verser Theatre Feb. 16-18 and 20-21, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 19, 2017, at 2:30 p.m. To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/26/.
The Cast included: Micah Brooks as the Butler; Kenzie Osborn as Ms. Phoenix; Jesse Bowron as Colonel Dijon; Kayla Walker as Mrs. Berry; David Hudson as Professor Pansy; Carissa Walker as Mrs. Beige; Aaden Jones as Mr. Mint; Lauren Terry as Mrs. Mahogany; Cody Walls as General Ash; Dylan Blackwood as the Lawyer; Autumn Romines as a Maid; Bonnie Gentry as a Maid; Bret Sanders as the Cook; Andy Henderson as Mr. Nobody.
The Production Crew included: Stage manager—Kacy Spears; Assistant stage manager—Jacob Hemsath; Costume design—Meagan Woodard; Hair and makeup design—Mercedes Mata; Light design—Andrew Martin; Sound design—Stephen Vaughn; Props master—Nadalie Gill; Lobby design—Tyler Lewis; House manager/head of publicity—Matthew Burns; Set design—Marshall Pope.
OBU Graduate Theses (University Archives)
Ouachita began offering graduate work in the fall of 1959 with programs leading to a Master of Arts degree in American Civilization and Religion. Other programs were added later, but all graduate studies were discontinued in the 1990s. The Library’s Archives and Special Collections Department serves as the official repository for the theses written by OBU’s graduate students.
OBU Student Handbooks: The Tiger (University Archives)
OBU Yearbooks: The Ouachitonian (University Archives)
Riley-Hickingbotham Library’s Archives and Special Collections Department preserves the university’s historic yearbooks. The first, titled The Bear, was published in 1907. Beginning in 1909 and continuing to the present time, the yearbook has been called Ouachitonian.
Oklahoma: An OBU Musical Theatre Production (Opera and Musical Theatre Productions)
Ouachita Baptist University’s School of Fine Arts presented “Oklahoma!", written by composer Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, which tells the story of Laurey Williams, a farm girl from Oklahoma territory in 1906, and her courtship with two rival suitors, cowboy Curly McLain and farmhand Jud Fry. Performances were held in OBU's Jones Performing Arts Center on April 11-14, 2019. To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/31/.
There were more than 120 cast and crew members involved in the production. Lauren Terry was assistant director for the production; Dr. Jon Secrest, Addie Mae Maddox Professor of Music, served as music director; Christina Johnson, assistant professor of theatre arts, was costume designer; Eric Philips, professor of theatre arts, was the technical director; and Stacy Hawking, fine arts administrator and box office manager, was the choreographer. Abi Anderson served as stage manager and assisted by Dani Thompson.
Lead members of the cast included: Kenzie Henderson as Aunt Eller; Clay Mobley as Curly; Michaela Finley as Laurey; Cedar Valdez as Will Parker; Micah Brooks as Jud Fry; Hannah Hill as Ado Annie Carnes; David Hudson as Ali Hakim; Autumn Romines as Gertie Cummings; Scotty Scott as Andrew Carnes; Dylan Blackwood as Ike Skidmore; Philip Robinson as Fred; Zach Myers as Slim; Emily Johnson as Ellen; Bonnie Gentry as Kate; Tyler Mann as Joe; Emma Lawyer as Vivian; Sammy Campione as Tom; Lizzy Griffin as Virginia; Cannon Fisher as Cord Elam.
Members of the ensemble included: Hannah Adair, Hannah Anderson, Carlin Campbell, Jess Crook, Elizabeth Dawson, Logan Dooley, Melodie Dubose, Danielle Hall, Payton Hickman, Molly Kennedy, Ashlynn Lockhart, Ryan Lynch, Madeline Martin, Raleigh Peterson, Paige Price, Elizabeth Ring, Hannah Saunders, Abby Shourd, Emily Siemens, Hailey Smith, Sharayah Wallace, Rachel Webber, Olivia Witcher, Meagan Woodard, and Jhonika Wright.
The cast also featured youth from the Arkadelphia community, including: Emmie Carozza as young Laurey; Cassie Carozza as middle Laurey; Morgan Lewis as young Ado Annie; Mallorie Carozza as middle Ado Annie; David Garrett as young Curly; Carson Carozza as middle Curly; Carly Carozza as middle Gertie; and Carson Lewis as middle Will Parker.
Crew leaders included: Follow-spot--Mallory Cain; Scenery shifts and props--Bailey Ellison; House management--Hannah Gothard; Backstage audio--Amy Jackson; Soundboard operator--Kailee Morehart; House management--Kinsey Potts; Scenery shift and props--Makenna Schaeffer; Hair and makeup crew heads--Bawo Asagba and Briana Penn. Costume and makeup crew heads--Abby Holland, Audrey Johnson, Jaden Rich, and Ashton Spence.
Oklahoma: An OBU Musical Theatre Production (Theatre Productions)
Ouachita Baptist University’s School of Fine Arts presented “Oklahoma!", written by composer Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, which tells the story of Laurey Williams, a farm girl from Oklahoma territory in 1906, and her courtship with two rival suitors, cowboy Curly McLain and farmhand Jud Fry. Performances were held in OBU's Jones Performing Arts Center on April 11-14, 2019. To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/31/.
There were more than 120 cast and crew members involved in the production. Lauren Terry was assistant director for the production; Dr. Jon Secrest, Addie Mae Maddox Professor of Music, served as music director; Christina Johnson, assistant professor of theatre arts, was costume designer; Eric Philips, professor of theatre arts, was the technical director; and Stacy Hawking, fine arts administrator and box office manager, was the choreographer. Abi Anderson served as stage manager and assisted by Dani Thompson.
Lead members of the cast included: Kenzie Henderson as Aunt Eller; Clay Mobley as Curly; Michaela Finley as Laurey; Cedar Valdez as Will Parker; Micah Brooks as Jud Fry; Hannah Hill as Ado Annie Carnes; David Hudson as Ali Hakim; Autumn Romines as Gertie Cummings; Scotty Scott as Andrew Carnes; Dylan Blackwood as Ike Skidmore; Philip Robinson as Fred; Zach Myers as Slim; Emily Johnson as Ellen; Bonnie Gentry as Kate; Tyler Mann as Joe; Emma Lawyer as Vivian; Sammy Campione as Tom; Lizzy Griffin as Virginia; Cannon Fisher as Cord Elam.
Members of the ensemble included: Hannah Adair, Hannah Anderson, Carlin Campbell, Jess Crook, Elizabeth Dawson, Logan Dooley, Melodie Dubose, Danielle Hall, Payton Hickman, Molly Kennedy, Ashlynn Lockhart, Ryan Lynch, Madeline Martin, Raleigh Peterson, Paige Price, Elizabeth Ring, Hannah Saunders, Abby Shourd, Emily Siemens, Hailey Smith, Sharayah Wallace, Rachel Webber, Olivia Witcher, Meagan Woodard, and Jhonika Wright.
The cast also featured youth from the Arkadelphia community, including: Emmie Carozza as young Laurey; Cassie Carozza as middle Laurey; Morgan Lewis as young Ado Annie; Mallorie Carozza as middle Ado Annie; David Garrett as young Curly; Carson Carozza as middle Curly; Carly Carozza as middle Gertie; and Carson Lewis as middle Will Parker.
Crew leaders included: Follow-spot--Mallory Cain; Scenery shifts and props--Bailey Ellison; House management--Hannah Gothard; Backstage audio--Amy Jackson; Soundboard operator--Kailee Morehart; House management--Kinsey Potts; Scenery shift and props--Makenna Schaeffer; Hair and makeup crew heads--Bawo Asagba and Briana Penn. Costume and makeup crew heads--Abby Holland, Audrey Johnson, Jaden Rich, and Ashton Spence.
Ouachita Student Foundation Tiger Tunes (University Archives)
Ouachita Student Foundation (OSF) is a student organization closely linked with the university’s declared ideals of vision, integrity and service. In fact, our motto is “students helping students” because we believe that we have a call and a responsibility not only our fellow students but the broader Ouachita community. We accomplish this in four unique ways represented by our four committees: student recruitment, special events, fundraising and finance, and communications.
Our special events committee is responsible for two of Ouachita’s biggest events: Tiger Tunes and Tiger Traks. These, along with our other fundraising efforts headed by our fundraising and finance committee, provide funds for student scholarships to assist students who need aid to continue their Ouachita experience.
Through everything the Ouachita Student Foundation does, we hope to keep the entire Ouachita community–past, present, and future students–connected with each other and Ouachita.
Painting the Roses Red: An OBU MUSE Production (Theatre Productions)
This collection features images from "Painting the Roses Red" written by Ouachita Baptist University students Jacob Hemsath, Andrew Martin, and Libby Villegas. "Painting the Roses Red" is a prequel to "Alice in Wonderland" performed from February 15-19, 2018, as part of OBU's annual Muse Project. The play combines original music, choreography, music, and puppetry to tackle issues of abuse and tell a story of hope.
The cast of “Painting the Roses Red” included: Kenzie Henderson as Margaret; Cedar Valdez as Hatter; Cody Walls as March Hare; Nadalie Gill as White Rabbit; Emily Johnson as Tweedle Dee Autumn Romines as Tweddle Dum and Mother; Philip Robinson as Caterpillar; Jhonika Wright as Cheshire Cat; Raleigh Peterson as Cheshire Cat; Elizabeth Dawson as Young Margaret; Emily Siemens as Alice; Dylan Blackwood as Father; Lexi Reimer and Meagan Woodard in the ensemble.
Lead crew members included: Director and choreographer--Jacob Hemsath; Lighting, Set Design, Costumes, Make-up and Props, Puppetry--Andrew Martin; Music and Lyrics--Libby Villegas; Stage manager – Rachel Webber; Assistant stage manager – Hannah Hill; Co-set and lighting designer – Stephen Vaughn; Co-costume designers – Allison Austin and Anna Darr; Hair and make-up designer – Lizzie Griffin.
To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/44/.
Physics Class Publications (Department of Physics)
Political Science Class Publications (Department of Political Science)
Press Releases (Office of Communication and Marketing)
Public History Portfolios (Department of History)
Scholars Day (Carl Goodson Honors Program)
This annual event highlights academic achievements completed throughout the academic year by OBU students from various disciplines. It is sponsored by the Carl Goodson Honors Program’s student organization, Alpha Tau.
Scholars Day Conference (Carl Goodson Honors Program)
The Carl Goodson Honors Program hosts OBU's Annual Scholars Day, which is also sponsored by OBU's chapter of Alpha Chi, the National College Honor Society, Alpha Tau. Scholars Day focuses on the academic achievements accomplished throughout the school year by students from various disciplines. Presentations showcase students' research and academic work. The presentations allow students and faculty to see the variety of research projects taking place across the campus. To graduate with honors, Honors Students must present their theses as part of Scholars Day. In addition to presentations from students in nearly all disciplines, fine arts students jury visual arts displays, give recitals and present a theatre showcase.
Scope (Department of Language and Literature)
Scope is the annual literary journal for OBU's chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society. Dr. Amy Sonheim is the faculty adviser.

Seussical: An OBU Musical Theatre Production (Opera and Musical Theatre Productions)
Ouachita Baptist University’s School of Fine Arts presented Seussical, a musical adaptation of several of Dr. Seuss’ best-known characters by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty, with music by Flaherty and lyrics by Ahrens. The performance was held in OBU's Jones Performing Arts Center on April 19-22, 2018.
Seussical tells the story of Horton, an elephant who discovers a speck of dust that contains the Whos, including Jojo, a Who child sent off to military school for “thinking too many thinks.” Horton faces ridicule, danger, kidnapping, and a trial, but the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him. His struggles highlight the powers of friendship, loyalty, family, and community.
The Production Crew included: Director--Drew Hampton, assistant professor of theatre arts; Music Director--Dr. Jon Secrest, professor of music; Choreographer--Grace Hampton; Assistant Stage Director--Andrew Martin; Stage Manager--Nadalie Gill; Assistant Stage Manager--Ashton Spence; Accompanist--Susan Monroe; and Co-Dance Captains --Lauren Terry, Dylan Blackwood, and Bonnie Gentry.
Cast members included: Cat in the Hat--Michael Peré; JoJo--Hannah Hines; Horton--Will Stotts; Sour Kangaroo--Zachary Myers; Mayzie--Kenzie Henderson; Mayor--Scotty Scott; Mayor's Wife--Esther Atkinson; Bird Girls--Hannah Hill, Lauren Terry, and Autumn Romines; Wickersham Brothers--Dylan Blackwood, Micah Brooks, Logan Dooley, Jacob Hemsath, Jesse Robinson, and Cody Walls; Gertrude-- Mackenzie Holtzclaw; General Schmitz--Clay Mobley.
The Ensemble included: Hannah Anderson, Bawo Asagba, Matthew Burns, Anna Darr, Elizabeth Dawson (Vlad), Melodie DuBose, Hannah Earls, Jessica Elliff, Michaela Finley, Bonnie Gentry, Lizzy Griffin, Caleb Harris, Emily Johnson, Ryan Lynch (Grinch), Alex Marrin, Paige Price, Kristi Roshto, Hannah Saunders, Emily Siemens, Anna Joie Valdez, Cedar Valdez, Sharayah Wallace, Rachel Webber, Jhonika Wright (Yertle), and Arkadelphia community member Emorie Carozza.
The Costumes Production Team included: Designer--visiting assistant professor of theatre arts Christina Johnson; Crew Head--Sam Elmore; and Crew Members--Hannah Anderson, Anna Crane, Elizabeth Dawson, Michaela Finley, Jacob Hemsath, David Hudson, Emily Johnson, Destiny Kirkham, Zach Myers, Sharayah Wallace, Jhonika Wright.
The Makeup/Hair Production Team included: Designer--Christina Johnson; Makeup Designer--Jess Elliff; Hair Designer--Lizzy Griffin; Crew Head--Audrey Johnson; and Crew Members: Sophia Chiocco and Madeline Martin.
The Props Production Team included: Designer/Crew Head--Abi Anderson; and Crew Members--Anna Darr, Melodie DuBose, Nathan Frick, Amy Lytle, Alex Marrin, Kristi Roshto, Emily Siemens, Cedar Valdez, Cody Walls.
The Scenery Production Team included: Designer/Technical Director--Eric Phillips, Ouachita professor of theatre arts; Head of Verser Scene Shop--Tyler Lewis; Shift/Run Crew--Brad Mosely; Fly Rail--JPAC Crew; Construction Crew--Micah Brooks, Matthew Burns, Graham Garrison, Caleb Harris, Ryan Lynch, Clay Mobley, and Hannah Saunders.
The Lights Production Team included: Designers--Andrew Martin and Stephen Vaughn; Light Board Operator--Rahlea Zinck; and Crew Members--Bawo Asagba, Logan Dooley, Hannah Earls, Jesse Robinson, and Anna Joie Valdez.
The Sound Production Team included: Sound Designer/SFX Organizer and Sound Board Operator--Meagan Woodard; Mics Backstage--Brad Mosely and Danielle Hall.
The Front of House/ Publicity Team included: House Manager/Publicity Crew Head--Brooklyn Jennings; Fine Arts Administrator and Box Office Manager--Stacy Hawking; Crew/Ushers--Graham Garrison; Poster and Program Design--Adam Wheat.
Seussical: An OBU Musical Theatre Production (Theatre Productions)
Ouachita Baptist University’s School of Fine Arts presented Seussical, a musical adaptation of several of Dr. Seuss’ best-known characters by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty, with music by Flaherty and lyrics by Ahrens. The performance was held in OBU's Jones Performing Arts Center on April 19-22, 2018.
Seussical tells the story of Horton, an elephant who discovers a speck of dust that contains the Whos, including Jojo, a Who child sent off to military school for “thinking too many thinks.” Horton faces ridicule, danger, kidnapping, and a trial, but the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him. His struggles highlight the powers of friendship, loyalty, family, and community.
The Production Crew included: Director--Drew Hampton, assistant professor of theatre arts; Music Director--Dr. Jon Secrest, professor of music; Choreographer--Grace Hampton; Assistant Stage Director--Andrew Martin; Stage Manager--Nadalie Gill; Assistant Stage Manager--Ashton Spence; Accompanist--Susan Monroe; and Co-Dance Captains --Lauren Terry, Dylan Blackwood, and Bonnie Gentry.
Cast members included: Cat in the Hat--Michael Peré; JoJo--Hannah Hines; Horton--Will Stotts; Sour Kangaroo--Zachary Myers; Mayzie--Kenzie Henderson; Mayor--Scotty Scott; Mayor's Wife--Esther Atkinson; Bird Girls--Hannah Hill, Lauren Terry, and Autumn Romines; Wickersham Brothers--Dylan Blackwood, Micah Brooks, Logan Dooley, Jacob Hemsath, Jesse Robinson, and Cody Walls; Gertrude-- Mackenzie Holtzclaw; General Schmitz--Clay Mobley.
The Ensemble included: Hannah Anderson, Bawo Asagba, Matthew Burns, Anna Darr, Elizabeth Dawson (Vlad), Melodie DuBose, Hannah Earls, Jessica Elliff, Michaela Finley, Bonnie Gentry, Lizzy Griffin, Caleb Harris, Emily Johnson, Ryan Lynch (Grinch), Alex Marrin, Paige Price, Kristi Roshto, Hannah Saunders, Emily Siemens, Anna Joie Valdez, Cedar Valdez, Sharayah Wallace, Rachel Webber, Jhonika Wright (Yertle), and Arkadelphia community member Emorie Carozza.
The Costumes Production Team included: Designer--visiting assistant professor of theatre arts Christina Johnson; Crew Head--Sam Elmore; and Crew Members--Hannah Anderson, Anna Crane, Elizabeth Dawson, Michaela Finley, Jacob Hemsath, David Hudson, Emily Johnson, Destiny Kirkham, Zach Myers, Sharayah Wallace, Jhonika Wright.
The Makeup/Hair Production Team included: Designer--Christina Johnson; Makeup Designer--Jess Elliff; Hair Designer--Lizzy Griffin; Crew Head--Audrey Johnson; and Crew Members: Sophia Chiocco and Madeline Martin.
The Props Production Team included: Designer/Crew Head--Abi Anderson; and Crew Members--Anna Darr, Melodie DuBose, Nathan Frick, Amy Lytle, Alex Marrin, Kristi Roshto, Emily Siemens, Cedar Valdez, Cody Walls.
The Scenery Production Team included: Designer/Technical Director--Eric Phillips, Ouachita professor of theatre arts; Head of Verser Scene Shop--Tyler Lewis; Shift/Run Crew--Brad Mosely; Fly Rail--JPAC Crew; Construction Crew--Micah Brooks, Matthew Burns, Graham Garrison, Caleb Harris, Ryan Lynch, Clay Mobley, and Hannah Saunders.
The Lights Production Team included: Designers--Andrew Martin and Stephen Vaughn; Light Board Operator--Rahlea Zinck; and Crew Members--Bawo Asagba, Logan Dooley, Hannah Earls, Jesse Robinson, and Anna Joie Valdez.
The Sound Production Team included: Sound Designer/SFX Organizer and Sound Board Operator--Meagan Woodard; Mics Backstage--Brad Mosely and Danielle Hall.
The Front of House/ Publicity Team included: House Manager/Publicity Crew Head--Brooklyn Jennings; Fine Arts Administrator and Box Office Manager--Stacy Hawking; Crew/Ushers--Graham Garrison; Poster and Program Design--Adam Wheat.
Shrek, The Musical: An OBU Music Theatre Production (Theatre Productions)
This collection features images from Ouachita Baptist University Department of Theatre Arts and Division of Music presentation of Shrek, The Musical, a musical based on the children's book Shrek! by William Steig, with music by Jeanine Tesori and Lyrics by David Lindsay-Abaire. Performances were held in Jones Performing Arts Center from April 16-19, 2015. To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/8/.
The Cast included: Will Stotts as Shrek; Kenderick Scorza as Donkey; Benjamin Stidham as Lord Farquad; Cami Willis as Princess Fiona; Kayla Walker as Dragon; Blaine Surber as Pinocchio; Hailey Weiner as Gingy & the Sugar Plum Fairy; Eli Ash as the White Rabbit; Hailee Draughon as the Fairy Godmother; Garrett Sayers as Peter Pan and a Knight; Mattie Bogoslavsky as the Ugly Duckling and a Mouse; Jalin C. Wesley as Pig One; Ezra Elliot as Pig Two and a Knight; Michael Pere as Pig Three and a Knight; Bret Sanders as Teen Fiona and a Dwarf; Kyle Osmon as Big Bad Wolf and a Knight; Jessica Smith as Humpty Dumpty; Bethany Gere as Witch; Angela Morgan as Mama Bear; Hannah Hines as Papa Bear and a Mouse; Tara Clem as Elf and a Mouse; Jacob Carson Lewis as Young Shrek; Mallorie Corozza and Merrilee Parker as Young Fiona; Esther Atkinson as Mama Ogre; Aaden Jones as Papa Ogre; Cory Feuerbacher as King Harold and a Knight; Alexis Morgan as Queen Lillian and Bluebird; Tyler Lewis as Captain of the Guard; Walter Dod as Thelonius, the Executioner; Taylor Ford as the Pied Piper; Lauren Hutcheson as Bishop; and Tori Clark as the Greeter.
The Ensemble included: Townspeople--Stacy Hawking, Hannah Fender, Lauren Hutcheson, Taylor Ford, AJ Valdez, Tori Clark, Bret Sanders, Tyler Lewis, and Walter Dodd; Duloc Dancers--Stacy Hawking, Hannah Fender, Lauren Hutcheson, Taylor Ford, AJ Valdez, Aaden Jones, Alexis Morgan, Bret Sanders, Cory Feuerbacher, and Esther Atkinson; Guards--Stacy Hawking, Hannah Fender, Lauren Hutcheson, Taylor Ford, Aaden Jones, and Cory Feuerbacher; and Tap Dancing Rats--Stacy Hawking, Hannah Fender, Lauren Hutcheson, Taylor Ford, Alexis Morgan, Bret Sanders, and Bethany Gere.
The Production Crew included: Stage director--Professor Daniel Inouye, professor of Theatre Arts; Music director--Professor David Stanley, music instructor; Choreographer--Grace Whitaker; Technical Director, Scenic Designer and Assistant Lighting Designer--Professor and Chair of Theatre Arts Eric Phillips; Rehearsal accompanists--Susan Monroe and John Briggs; Shop technical director and Rigging/fly--Marshall Pope; JPAC Technical director and Lighting designer--Joey Licklider; Costume Supervisor & Hair/Makeup Supervisor--Professor Drew Hampton; Costume designer--Amanda Murray; and Publicity/House Supervisor and Poster & Program designer--Adam Wheat.
The Lead Crew Members included: Stage manager--Natalie Williams; Assistant stage manager and Marketing & development crew head--Kathleen Suit; Assistant stage manager--Dallas Sleeman; Dance captain and Build crew--Stacy Hawking; Sound/SFX designer--Benjamin Stidham; Hair/Makeup designer and Assistant costume designer--Kaylee Nebe; Assistant costume designer--Tara Clem; Costume co-crew heads--Anna Darr and Hannah Fender; Hair/Makeup crew head--Lauren Hutcheson; Properties masters co-crew heads--Bethany Gere and Tyler Lewis; and House Manager & Lobby crew head--Abby Root.
Social Justice Class Papers (Social Justice Studies)
The BA in Social Justice Studies helps prepare students in theories and practice of community engagement and social change. During their academic careers, SJUS students take courses from up to eleven departments within an interdisciplinary menu, network with nonprofit and advocacy leaders, perform community service, and complete an advanced practicum experience. During their first course, Introduction to Social Justice, they compile Personal Manifestos as a way of processing introductory material and setting a course for potential future work.
For more information about the Social Justice Studies Program, contact the Social Justice Coordinator, Dr. Myra Houser at houserm@obu.edu.
Spanish Class Publications (Department of Language and Literature)
Speed Dating: An OBU Division of Music Opera Production (Opera and Musical Theatre Productions)
Ouachita Baptist University’s Division of Music and Department of Theatre Arts presented Michael Ching’s opera Speed Dating November 16-19, 2017. in Jones Performing Arts Center.
This contemporary comic opera explores how one finds love in the modern world. The story follows a group of strangers who gather at a small coffee house for a speed dating event. The audience will meet all sorts of quirky characters including an origami artist, a budding country singer, a cat lover and a woman who is certain she has been abducted by aliens.
The Cast includes: Esther Atkinson; Joy Biebighauser; Dylan Blackwood; Micah Brooks; Jessie Brunson; Matthew Burns; Dean Carmona; Anna Crane; Logan Dooley; Evan Dowers; Ansley Elliott; Aryana Gardner; Bonnie Gentry; Lizzy Griffin; Danielle Hall; Jacob Hemsath; Hannah Hill; Emily Johnson; Destiny Kirkham; Amy Lytle; Clay Mobley; Zachary Myers; Michael Pere; Lexi Reimer; Autumn Romines; Kristi Roshto; Hannah Saunders; Elizabeth Schutter; Scotty Scott; Emily Siemens; Lauren Terry; Anna Joie Valdez; Cedar Valdez; Libby Villegas; Sharayah Wallace; Cody Walls; Kaitlyn Watson; and Rachel Webber.
Student Concert Performances, Programs, and Posters (Division of Music)
The Crane Wife: An OBU Children’s Show (Theatre Productions)
This collection features images from Ouachita Baptist University Department of Theatre Arts presentation of the fall children's show The Crane Wife, a tale of a poor man who finds a beautiful woman in the place of a crane he nursed back to health. Performances were held in Verser Theatre Sept. 20-25, 2012. To view the promotional poster, visit https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/theatre_posters/9/.
The Cast included: Jacob Sturgeon as Kokuro; Heather White as Crane Wife; Betsy Wilson and Chad Burris as narrators; Ben Perry as the Neighbor; and Joe Ochterbeck as the Samurai. The Village Chorus included: Lauren Linton, Bethany Gere, Cami Willis, Kenderick Scorza, Ben Stidham, and Robby Taylor. The Crane and Dance Chorus included: Stacy Hawking, Kaylee Nebe, Jordan Miller, Kayla Esmond, Natalie Williams, and Caitlin Secrest.
The Production Crew included: Director--Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts Daniel Inouye; Assistant director--Garrett Whitehead; Stage manager--C.J. Bernard; Assistant stage manager--Jalin Wesley; Scenic designer and Lighting designer--Professor of Theatre Arts Eric Phillips; Technical Director--Marshall Pope; Choreographer--Heather White; Dance captain--Kayla Esmond; Dramaturg--Sarah Davis; Light board operator--Timothy Drennan; Soundboard operator--Shonna Jasperson; House manager--Cody Myers; Poster and program designer--Adam Oakes; Publicity and front of house Crew members included: Caroline Cain, Truett Dishman, Jacob Kirchovf, Nicole Mattson, Jessica Smith, MaryLacy Thomson, and Hailey Weiner.
The Costume Crew members included: Amanda Murray and Brooke Brackett. Building Crew members included: Mattie Bogoslavsky, Walter Dodd, Shannon Huntsman, Alison Johnson, Blakely Knox, Lindsey Lederer, Danielle Love, Emily Rankin, Blaine Surber, Lily Taylor, and Elizabeth Wheeler. Makeup and hair Crew members included: Kaylee Nebe and Alyssa Eskelsen. Prop masters included: Jillian Kaniss and Kelley Lester. Prop Crew members included: Tara Clem, Annie McMurray, and Aaron Pinion. Scenery shifting Crew included: Reed Ashley and Gideon Curlin.
The Learned Ladies: An OBU Theatre Production (Theatre Productions)
Ouachita’s Department of Theatre Arts presented The Learned Ladies, a French comedy by Moliere, on Nov. 3-8, 2016, in OBU's Verser Theatre. The Learned Ladies puts a satirical twist on the lives of three ladies- Philaminte, Bélise, and Armande, who are focused solely on intellectual power as opposed to matters of the senses, such as love.
The leading cast members include: Michael Pere as Clitandre; Anna Joie Valdez as Henriette; Tyler Lewis as Chrysale; Lauren Roberts as Philaminte; Kayla Walker as Belise; Lizzy Girffin as Armande; Benjamin Mills as Trissotin; Jesse Bowron as Ariste; David Hudson as Vadius; Bret Sanders as Martine; Graham Garrison as Julien; Hannah Fender as Lepine; and Dylan Blackwood as the notary.
The Mikado: An OBU Opera Theatre Production (Opera and Musical Theatre Productions)
This is a collection of images from Ouachita Baptist University's Division of Music/Opera Theatre performance of Sir Arthur Sullivan's opera The Mikado. The performance took place on November 20-23, 2014, in Jones Performing Arts Center.
The Production Crew included: Dr. Jon Secrest, producer, co-director, and music director; Dr. Glenda Secrest, co-director; Professor David Stanley, conductor and assistant music director; Joey Licklider, JPAC manager and technical director; Kacy Earnest, stage manager.
Members of the cast included: Todd McNeel as the Mikado of Japan; John Doss as Nanki-Poo; Joshua Wayne as Ko-Ko; John David Whitmore as Pooh-Bah; Seth Russell as Pish-Tush; Jillian Turner as Yum-Yum; Sarah Talley as Pitti-Sing; Caroline Dunlap as Peep-Bo; and Tori Clark as Katisha.
The male chorus included: Eli Ash, Shawn Cooper, Seth Daniell, Drew Funderburk, David Headrick, Kyle Osmon, Will Stotts, and Plake Turner.
The female chorus included: Esther Atkinson, Ashley Carter, Erin Cheshire, Beth Crisler, Hannah Hines, Kayla Kreger, Lizzie Shelby, and Kaitlyn Thomas.
The Ouachita Circle: The Alumni Magazine of Ouachita Baptist University (Ouachita Alumni)
The Sam & Jesse Radio Show (Digital Collections)
Things That Bind Us: An OBU Muse Production (Theatre Productions)
Ouachita Baptist University’s Department of Theatre Arts presented two student-led productions for the department’s 19th Annual Muse Project, one of which includes “The Things that Bind Us.” Performances were held in Ouachita’s Verser Theatre Feb. 14-16, and 18, 2019, at 7:30 p.m., with a matinee performance on Sunday, Feb. 17, at 2:30 p.m.
Playwright and director—Amy Lytle
Choreographer and assistant director—Lauren Terry
Stage manager—Ashton Spence
The Cast includes: Danielle Thompson as Alexis; David Hudson as Justin; Elizabeth Dawson as Nora; Emma Lawyer as Meg; Matt Evans as Dan; Meagan Woodard as Heather; Olivia Witcher as Elizabeth; and Ryan Lynch as Tyler.

To Kill a Mockingbird: A Joint HSU/OBU Production (Theatre Productions)
The Ouachita Baptist University and Henderson State University theatre programs partnered to produce and perform To Kill a Mockingbird. The play is adapted by Christopher Sergel from the classic novel by Harper Lee. The show was performed Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2016, in OBU’s Verser Theatre and Oct. 6-10, 2016, in HSU’s Arkansas Hall Studio Theatre.
The two universities have combined both performing and technical resources to produce the gripping story of a young girl, Scout, and her brother, Jem, in Maycomb, Ala., who witness their father, Atticus, deal with racial prejudices. The siblings learn about social injustice through their father and experience the cruelty and kindness of the world for themselves.
Cast members include: Emma Pitts as Scout Finch; Graham Garrison as Jem Finch; Koty Mansfield as Atticus Finch; Sharayah Wallace as Calpurnia; Jacey Russell as Maudie Atkinson; Meagan Woodard as Stephanie Crawford; Magee-Lee Preston as Mrs. Dubose; Kyle Chassells as Arthur “Boo” Radley; Blake Abbott as Nathan Radley/Clerk; Anthony McBride as Charles Baker “Dill” Harris; Joseph Kalinowski as Heck Tate; Bryant Curtis as Judge Taylor; Jawuan Litzsey as Reverend Sykes; Mackenzie Holtzclaw as Mayella Ewell; Damien Freeman as Bob Ewell; Colin Perry as Walter Cunningham; Scotty Scott as Mr. Gilmer; Philip Robinson as Tom Robinson; and Cedar Valdez as Link Deas.
The Townspeople/Ensemble cast include: CJ Bernard, Aaron Charles, Madison Moore, Savannah Reynolds, and Jhonika Wright.
Members of the crew include: Director and Sound Designer--HSU Professor Dr. Claudia Beach; Stage Manager--Brittany Carter; Assistant Stage Manager--Nadalie Gill; Scenic Designer--OBU Professor Eric Phillips; Associate Technical Director--HSU Professor Douglas Gilpin; Lighting Designer--Jennings Johnson; Costume & Makeup Designers-- HSU Professor William Henshaw and OBU Assistant Professor Christina Johnson; Light Operation--Nicolas Bius; Sound Operation--Courtney Palsa; Props/Set--Andrew Martin and Georgeann Burbank; Costumes--Jess Elliff and Tyler Felton; Makeup--Misty Frazier and Lauren Terry.
Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind: An OBU Muse Production (Theatre Productions)
Ouachita Baptist University’s Department of Theatre Arts presented two student-led productions for the department’s annual Muse Project, one of which includes “Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind: 30 Plays in 60 Minutes.” Performances were held in Ouachita’s Verser Theatre Feb. 14-16, and 18, 2019, at 7:30 p.m., with a matinee performance on Sunday, Feb. 17, at 2:30 p.m.
Playwright and director—Scotty Scott; Stage manager—Jess Crook
The Cast includes: Sammy Campione, Cedar Valdez, Raleigh Peterson, Autumn Romines, Abi Anderson, Molly Kennedy, Luke Wagner, Jordan Ford, Micah Brooks.
The Crew includes: Costume designer/crew head—Hannah Anderson; Makeup designer/crew head—Brooklyn Jennings; Lighting designer/board operator—Samuel Elmore; Lobby designer/crew head—Bradley Moseley; Soundboard operator—Kailee Morehart; Props crew head—Nathan Frick; Props crew head—Audrey Johnson; Poster design—Grace Talley; Project advisor—Stephanie Murry, assistant professor of theatre arts.
William Dunbar Collection (Digital Collections)
Most Americans have heard the story of Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the new Louisiana Purchase area from 1804 to 1806. Jefferson also commissioned a second lesser-known expedition to explore the southern areas of that new frontier. The president asked William Dunbar, a Mississippi planter/scientist/surveyor, and George Hunter, a Philadelphia chemist/apothecary, to lead that expedition on the Red, Black, and Ouachita Rivers up to the hot springs. The two men and their crew mapped, described flora and fauna, tested the waters of the Hot Springs area, and sent Thomas Jefferson the first report on the huge territory that had just been purchased from France.
The journal in this collection was digitally reproduced from the one carried by Dunbar on the DunbarHunter exploration of the Ouachita River. Also included are copies of family correspondence, and other materials related to the Dunbar family and their Natchez, Mississippi, plantation, “The Forest.” For more information about this collection, view the finding aid.