The Cast included: Jordan Miller as Eurydice and Cody Myers as Orpheus. Other members included: C.J. Bernard, Sarah Davis, Timothy Drennan, Kayla Esmond, Tyler Herron, Shannon Huntsman, Nicole Mattson, Amanda Murray, Joe Ochterbeck, Alexis Pace, Ben Stidham, Blaine Surber, Heather White, and Betsy Wilson.
The Production Crew included: Student director Kathryn Kellogg; Stage manager--Garrett Whitehead; Assistant stage manager--Cami Willis; Costume crew head--Lacey Johnson; Costume crew--Brooke Brackett, Truett Dishman, Michelle Lackey, and Shay Michael; Costume designer--Amanda Murray; Makeup Crew head--Sarah Davis; Makeup crew--Brooke Ault and MaryLacey Thomson; Sound designer--Jacob Sturgeon; Lighting designer--Tyler Herron; Soundboard operator--Lauren Linton; Lightboard operator--Alison Johnson; Properties crew head--Ben Perry; Properties crew--Kelsey Gourd, Gemma Guiomard, Lola McClendon, Robby Taylor, Jalin Wesley, Tyler Wisdom, Amanda Murray, Joe Ochterbeck, and Garrett Whitehead; House manager--Lindsey Lederer; Lobby designer--Moriah Patterson; House crew--Gabriela Baltzley and Bethany Gere; Publicity crew--Mariah Miller and Kathryn Kellog; Graphic designer--Marshall Pope.