Jaime Bunting's ePortfolio
Download What is Social Justice? A Personal Manifesto (528 KB)
Download Mass Incarceration (182 KB)
Download Representing Italy: Midwest United Nations 2020 (167 KB)
Download A Short Exegetical on John 7:53-8:11: Poetic Justice in Jesus (261 KB)
Download Highland Light: Growing as I Go (844 KB)
Download The Role of Women in Traditional Scottish Song (303 KB)
This e-portfolio showcases the academic work through both papers and documents of Jaime Bunting's educational and work experience in achieving her social justice degree.
These documents are under a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND.
Publication Date
social justice
Recommended Citation
Bunting, Jaime D., "Jaime Bunting's ePortfolio" (2020). Social Justice ePortfolios . 5.
What is Social Justice? A Personal Manifesto (Social Justice Class Paper): This paper explores the meaning and definition of social justice in the context of the author's life.
Mass Incarceration (Sociology-Crime and Deviance Class Paper): This paper takes a brief look into Mass Incarceration: a phenomenon in the United States that accounts for the imprisonment of 2.3 million people (25% of the world's imprisoned population). It includes the synthetization of ideas by notable scholars within the realm of social justice studies, such as Bryan Stevenson and Ibram X. Kendi, in order to display how mass incarceration discriminates against minorities, upholds systemic injustice, and has effects on individuals who are incarcerated, as well as their families and the communities they live in. In order to set the context, this paper also mentions the "boom" of incarceration in the 1970s and the importance of rhetoric and policy in its continuation. To conclude, it mentions the framework in which mass incarceration should be viewed in order to address the issue effectively and in a redemptive manner.
Representing Italy: Midwest United Nations 2020 (History-Model U.N. & Practicum Class Paper): The United Nations is an integral actor in international relations, as well as in politics more generally. As the world becomes ever more interconnected, intergovernmental organizations play an important role in shaping the lives of nations across the globe. Through much research of the treaties and resolutions that are passed by the UN, it has been realized that a member states domestic policy is not only framed under UN agreements (with significant flexibility in implementation), but much policy is being created to reflect values in international law. With this, the work done by the UN, and how these frameworks are implemented by specific member-states, affects the lives of people greatly, making it an intriguing process to reflect upon.
A Short Exegetical on John 7:53-8:11: Poetic Justice in Jesus (Biblical Studies-Life of Christ Class Paper): This exegetical paper explores John 7:53-8:11, a beloved and powerful passage that connects to social justice.
Highland Light: Growing as I Go (Social Justice Capstone Paper): Studying abroad is something I had looked forward to for a long time. Though I had never travel abroad, I had done a lot of domestic traveling in The States. I love walking around the city; I love nature and exploring outdoors; I love learning about other cultures and what it's like to live in other parts of the world (or even other states and cities within the U.S.); I study world maps for fun and Google places I want to discover more about. The idea of living in another part of the world intrigued me, to say the least.
The Role of Women in Traditional Scottish Song: Looking through the lens of gender, this essay briefly discusses the historical role of women in Scottish traditional song, the actions they took to make a space for themselves within the tradition, how they found empowerment through these actions, and ways that these issues are still relevant in modern contexts of traditional song. Through these points, it also aims to explain why it is important to look at Scots song within this perspective: looking at contexts through different lenses can lead to new, and deeper interpretations.