Davis Wadley's ePortfolio

Davis Wadley's ePortfolio


Download Social Justice_ Nobody Knows.pdf (197 KB)

Download A Review of Defining Deviance Down and How Trump Could Possibly.pdf (171 KB)

Download Senior Capstone Paper.pdf (158 KB)


This e-portfolio showcases the academic work through both papers and documents of Davis Wadley's educational and work experience in achieving his social justice degree.

These documents are under a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND.


Social Justice: Nobody Knows (Social Justice Class Paper): At the beginning of this year in Introduction to Social Justice, Dr. Wight had us sit in groups and attempt to answer some questions, such as, “what is justice?”, “what types of justice can you name?” and “how best do you correct deviations from justice?” The list of inquiries went on and on. As we sat there in our groups trying to answer these questions, I was just hit with this realization that I have absolutely no clue what justice is or how to answer any of these questions. This epiphany was troubling at first because I felt as if there was no hope for me in this class. But, thankfully, this class has taken me on a journey to get a better understanding of what exactly Social Justice is. This journey was guided by great novels and articles, great discussions, and some self-reflection. After taking this journey for a full semester, I believe that social justice is applying justice to unjust situations in all parts of society; however, what is unclear to me is what exactly is “justice”.

A Review of "Defining Deviance Down" and How Trump Could Possibly be Redefining Hate Crimes (Sociology-Crime & Deviance Class Paper): The purpose of this research paper is to summarize and critique Daniel Moynihan's essay entitled "Defining Deviancy Down" and then to evaluate whether Donald Trump has helped normalize, increase, or change hate crime in America. This will be achieved by examining the Southern Poverty Law Center’s report on hate crime data since the 2016 election. The hope is to find a connection between Moynihan's normalization redefinition and how Trump’s nomination has affected Americans, specifically in the context of hate crime.

Ebola 100 Project (Social Justice Volunteer Paper) EMBARGOED: Davis Wadley was the transcriber of an interview taken for the Ebola100 Project. For more information about the Ebola100 Project, visit https://ebola100project.net/projects.

Social Justice Senior Capstone Paper (Social Justice Class Paper): This piece follows the arch of my experience in life as it pertains to Social Justice. It starts with the foundational experiences that built in me a heart for others and helping. Next, the paper examines lessons I learned at Ouachita in my major, Social Justice Studies. Lastly, I tried to find some connections from my knowledge gained at school and my internship experience at Our House in their out of school program called Our Club.

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social justice, internship, portfolio, undergraduate portfolio


Social and Behavioral Sciences

Davis Wadley's ePortfolio
