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Walker Conference Center B
In the current study, we investigated how college students’ levels of focus were affected by fidget toys. Participants’ took two 10-question math assessments and watched a 5-minute video in between them. 46 people received a fidget toy to play with during the second math assessment, and 46 people did not receive a fidget toy. Observers rated participants on off-task behaviors through a coded system called the RRC System on a scale of 1 to 5. College students’ were shown to have an increased on-task behavior and the grades of the math assessment with the fidget toy rather than without it.
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Effects Fidget Toys Have on Focus
Walker Conference Center B
In the current study, we investigated how college students’ levels of focus were affected by fidget toys. Participants’ took two 10-question math assessments and watched a 5-minute video in between them. 46 people received a fidget toy to play with during the second math assessment, and 46 people did not receive a fidget toy. Observers rated participants on off-task behaviors through a coded system called the RRC System on a scale of 1 to 5. College students’ were shown to have an increased on-task behavior and the grades of the math assessment with the fidget toy rather than without it.