Developing a Protocol for Bacteriophage Guided Evolution

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Walker Conference Center C


Bacteriophage therapy is being explored as an alternative to antibiotic use due to an increase in antibiotic resistance. Expansion of phage host ranges is important for future phage therapy. A protocol was developed based upon the Appelmans Protocol to expand the host range of selected Gordonia bacteriophage. A spectrophotometer was used to determine lysis in a 96-well plate and confirm the success of the methods. A 100 phage to 1 bacteria concentration ratio was found to be effective. Two methods of bacteria concentration calculations were compared, one using a countable plate and the other using a spectrophotometer. The findings of the experiments were applied to a final protocol, which is followed by instructions on publishing research.


This presentation is currently embargoed. It will be available May 2029.

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Apr 24th, 3:30 PM Apr 24th, 10:45 AM

Developing a Protocol for Bacteriophage Guided Evolution

Walker Conference Center C

Bacteriophage therapy is being explored as an alternative to antibiotic use due to an increase in antibiotic resistance. Expansion of phage host ranges is important for future phage therapy. A protocol was developed based upon the Appelmans Protocol to expand the host range of selected Gordonia bacteriophage. A spectrophotometer was used to determine lysis in a 96-well plate and confirm the success of the methods. A 100 phage to 1 bacteria concentration ratio was found to be effective. Two methods of bacteria concentration calculations were compared, one using a countable plate and the other using a spectrophotometer. The findings of the experiments were applied to a final protocol, which is followed by instructions on publishing research.