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If there’s one thing life at Ouachita has taught me, it’s that sometimes, people trust you to do things you never imagined yourself being capable of. From directing major events to handling social media for campus spectacles, my Ouachita journey has been a rollercoaster of challenges and growth.

Let’s rewind to my freshman year when I was tasked with directing the live stream for the Battle of the Ravine, a monumental event in Ouachita’s calendar. The catch? I had never worked an OSDN broadcast before, let alone directed one. The enormity of the responsibility hit me like a ton of bricks. Doubts swirled in my mind. Could I really pull this off? Would I let everyone down?

But amidst the uncertainty, there was trust. Trust from my peers, from the faculty, and from the institution itself. It was a vote of confidence that I couldn’t ignore. So, with a mixture of determination and nerves, I dove headfirst into the challenge. I immersed myself in learning the ins and outs of broadcast directing, seeking guidance from mentors and tapping into my prior knowledge from my experience gained at Cullman High School.



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