Date of Award


Document Type



Christian Studies

First Reader

Dr. M.G. "Bud" Fray

Second Reader

Dr. J. Tom Greer

Third Reader

Dr. W.P. Steeger


The purpose for research was to analyze and synthesize the accomplishments of the Southern Baptist Convention's media missions work in Africa and to document the essence, magnitude and complexity of the task facing media missionaries in Africa. Research conducted by the writer at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in June 1986 revealed that the formal study of media missions is comparatively new, and therefore not well documented. Much of the up-to-date information available is in the form of audio cassette tapes and video recordings. Research papers written by students at the seminary, within the past two years, frequently cite sources at least ten years old. Considering the pace that media technology has developed in the past decade, those involved in the media discipline have neglected to document developments adequately. Because insufficient work has been produced i n the field of media missions, this writer hopes to make a contribution by collating significant data in this area and providing a comprehensive bibliography that will be of use to other researchers. A field trip to Africa during the summer of 1986 provided the opportunity to gather primary research data in the form of minutes and memoranda. Discussions with media missions and attendance at media planning meetings provided insight into the practical workings of the Southern Baptist Convention that have proved invaluable to an understanding of this subject .



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