The Lost Story of Frank Jackson

Date of Award


Document Type



Theatre Arts

First Reader

Professor Adam Wheat

Second Reader

Dr. Jackson Carter

Third Reader

Dr. Kevin C. Motl


"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- / I took the one less traveled by, I And that has made all the difference" ("The Road Not Taken", Robert Frost). For my thesis, I decided to do a project instead of writing a lengthy paper, but why would I choose to complete the minority assignment? Well, there are many reasons. First, in high school, my senior thesis was a lengthy written assignment that had to be made into a speech and given in front of judges who then asked a series of questions in which you must defend your paper. While this paper and speech was sizably shorter than Ouachita's thesis, I felt as though I had proven to myself, that this is something that I can already do. I wanted to push myself in new ways. So instead of taking the familiar path, I took the one less traveled.

Now you may be asking, why chose to do a filming of a theatrical performance? Now that is a much longer answer. Part of the reason I chose to do a project what because I really enjoy theatre. In fact, I actually toured Ouachita as a theatre student prospect. While I decided not to major in theatre, I desired to always be in a show while being a student. However, due to Covid, a double major, and graduating early; my schedule did not allow for me to be in any university performances. When it came to choosing what I would do for my thesis, I was told that completing a project on any subject or interest I had was possible.

At last, I had an opportunity to incorporate the fine arts into my curriculum. I had decided that I would make a short film. However, as the process began plans changed.


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