Development of Specialty Histological Staining Methods for Zebrafish

Date of Award


Document Type




First Reader

Dr. Joshua Kwekel

Second Reader

Dr. Sharon Hamilton

Third Reader

Jill Batson


Danio rerio (zebrafish) have become a useful animal research model having a high similarity to humans with regards to their histological makeup. Standard protocols relating to the care and use of zebrafish were compiled and adapted for implementation for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee review of the Ouachita Baptist University animal facility. These protocols include all facets of daily maintenance and care of the animals through euthanizing, emergency procedures, lab personnel training, and website development for public feedback regarding animal welfare. An additional part of this project was the optimizing and adaptation of histology protocols for zebrafish necropsy, tissue preparation and staining procedures for standard hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining as well as Masson’s trichrome staining. These procedures will be used to yield histological samples during undergraduate coursework in histology in the fall semester as well as support future research. The specific staining procedures, which use detailed protocols adapted from current best practices, will be used to visualize and distinguish various tissue types for examination and comparison in future research. Furthermore, zebrafish breeding protocols were optimized for studies concerning sex determination of zebrafish in the early embryonic stages of development.

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