The Evaluation of Multiple Myeloma in Immune Competent and Immune Deficient Mice Using a SAC and Herbal Treatments with Genetic Analysis

Date of Award


Document Type




First Reader

Dr. Nathan Reyna

Second Reader

Dr. Ruth Plymale

Third Reader

Dr. Andy Almand


This research aimed to find which treatment worked better for mice with a complete immune system: the herbal treatment or SAC treatment when treating multiple myeloma. Previous studies have shown that the HE treatment improved life expectancy in mice with a compromised immune system. It is expected that the HE treatment will enhance the life expectancy of the mice at a greater rate than the PBS or SAC treatments in immune-competent mice. Unfortunately, this research was unable to be finished and given results will be quantified using cBioportal analysis of the genes DIS3, CCND1, COL1A1, and FGFR3.

This document is currently not available here.
