Date of Award


Document Type




First Reader

Dr. Angela Douglass

Second Reader

Dr. Sara Hubbard

Third Reader

Dr. Terry Carter


The field of pharmaceuticals is growing and changing everyday. Being a part of the creation of new medicines and new treatments is a dream. Throughout my life my favorite subject has always been science, specifically where the sciences of biology and chemistry intersect. Biology and chemistry have significant overlap in the field of pharmacy. I believe that the passion and love I have for combining these two sciences will reflect in my career as a pharmacist and open doors for me to positively impact the lives of patients and the pharmaceutical field. I chose to pursue a career in pharmacy in hopes of gaining knowledge, building connections, and impacting lives. Throughout my many years of shadowing healthcare professionals, I have found that pharmacy is the backbone of every field of medicine, and I look forward to fulfilling my role in what I consider to be the backbone of healthcare. This thesis will walk through the many ways in which the different branches of science, specifically biology, chemistry, and physics fit into the field of pharmaceuticals. An example of the ways in which chemicals, good and bad, can impact and change the human body will be included at the end in the form of the scientific paper, The Effects of Friction on the Release of Bisphenol A from Infant Toothbrushes.

Included in

Pharmacology Commons



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