Date of Award


Document Type




First Reader

Dr. S. Ray Granade


The Depression began in Clark County in 1927. The floods of that year caused extensive crop damage and hardship on local farmers and merchants. This depression affected every facet of society. When the "Great Depression" began in 1929, the county suffered even further. The lack of jobs and money were the greatest curse of the depression. The hardships led to the involvement of the federal government. The government started programs to put men to work and relieve the suffering of the people. The reaction of the county was mixed toward these programs. The money the government provided was the beginning of a new phase of government's role in society. This was perhaps the greatest reform of the depression. However, Clark County had to face other reform issues. Prohibition and evolution were two very major issues. The county had one great issue to decide what caused a conflict in beliefs, the presidential election of 1928. Clark County was a democratic county. They were also primarily Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian in religious beliefs. The conflict came with the 1928 presidential candidate Al Smith. Mr. Smith was a Catholic and was against prohibition. This conflict over religion and politics in 1928 saw politics winning by a landslide.



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