Date of Award


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First Reader



It is in the classroom that a child has to first accept the authority of a relative stranger. This stranger, the child's teacher, rarely realizes the profound impact that her attitude, demands, and actions make on that child.

One area in which the classroom teacher wields a frightening amount of influence is in the personality development of her students. It is imperative that the teacher be happy in the profession and that she like children if she is to have a positive effect on them. Too often a student discovers that she isn't suited to classroom teaching only after she begins practice teaching, and by then she feels it is too late to sacrifice credits and change to another career. This is not fair to children whose personality development depends so much on the approval they would receive from a satisfied teacher. Institutions of teacher preparation could remedy the situation of teachers in a career for which they are not suited by giving students even in their freshman year of college experiences with teaching and with children which would enable them to assess their own feelings.



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