Date of Award


Document Type




First Reader

Dr. Raouf Halaby


My primary objective in undertaking this Honors project in word study was to increase my command and capabilities in utilizing words. Understandably, as one progress in his education and life, the need for words--more precise meanings, more vivid and appropriate words--are needed. It is an open-ended endeavor.

In order to accomplish this objective, I undertook as my requirement for each week to study and fully comprehend the definition of one hundred words. This was efficiently accomplished through the book, "Word Mastery Made Simple" by Arthur Waldhorn, Ph.D. an Arthur zeiger, Ph.D. Each chapter has a core list of fifty words, plus supplementary information about the English language (i.e. prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, etc.). Included in each chapter are Word Mastery Tests that help the student to understand the words and their uses more fully. Two chapters were required per week along with a conference time each week was used as a time to discuss the words and their meanings, and clean up anything that might be confusing.



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