Date of Award


Document Type



Christian Studies

First Reader

Dr. Ray Franklin

Second Reader

Dr. Jennifer Fayard

Third Reader

Professor Dan Jarboe


The purpose of this paper is to highlight the need for an empirical examination of the interaction between Crisis Intervention strategies and religions. While there seem to be obvious obstacles to crisis intervention within the major tenets of most of the world's religions, there has been little to no accessible research on the subject. This paper will focus only on Buddhism, a religion that gets much attention in regard to mental health. In the practice of crisis and trauma intervention, a person who holds to traditional Buddhist views should theoretically suffer more severely with PTSD symptoms because of Buddhism's emphasis on Karma. The belief in Karma seems to be parallel to Just World Theory, which is a major cause of victim blaming and victim guilt. An inability to resolve these issues is especially problematic for people suffering from PTSD. However, no empirical research has been done to study this issue. Empirical research should be done in order to prove the connections between belief in Karma and secondary wounding in people experiencing crisis and trauma. Then, steps can be taken to diminish the connection between belief in karma and increased chances of secondary wounding.

Bacon Elizabeth - 2016.pdf (173 kB)



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