Date of Award


Document Type




First Reader

Dr. Tim Knight

Second Reader

Dr. Jeanna Westmoreland

Third Reader

Professor Kathey Roberts


The lack of good science education in the American school is a problem that will affect the future of the United States. Not only is the decline of science-based teaching of elementary school students due to lack of funds and increase of class size, it is caused by a deficiency of creative teaching methods. One possible method that has and can be cultivated and developed is the use of Science Learning Museums (SLM) as effective teaching tools. The integration of classrooms and science museums can bring about positive, creative, fun, and exciting ways to learn, bringing an unenthusiastic textbook example to the interesting possibility of the real world in which students live. The cooperation that a classroom and a science museum must attain is difficult work, involving many hours and many intricacies. The museum's ability to provide the right experience for the student is a crucial component of an integrative and creative learning system. This thesis will deal with the development of SLMs, students' learning in museums, how teachers can make use of museums, how museums can help teachers to provide an excellent education, examples of existing and working school/museum partnerships, and the importance of independent, lifelong learning.



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