Date of Award


Document Type



Christian Studies

First Reader

Dr. Barbara Pemberton

Second Reader

Dr. Amy Sonheim

Third Reader

Professor Sarah Smith


She grabbed her ballcap that she had worn almost every day for the last thirteen years and started the short walk. A three blocks jaunt had its advantages on days like today, especially this morning. He promised he would pick up the roses and meet her here at eight which hopefully allowed them enough time to have a private moment before people started moving about. As she waited, she stole a few glances at the space around her, the water a constant reminder of what all had been taken in the background. It had changed so much over the years, but its most drastic change had happened in a matter of minutes. She started to drift back when suddenly he was right beside her. They shared a look of understanding and a sympathetic smile.

"Are you ready?"

"No, but let's go ahead," she whispered. He grabbed her hand as she threw the rose into the cascading water.

Included in

Fiction Commons



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