Date of Award


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First Reader



In undertaking this project our purpose was rather vague. We wanted to make a very general study of man's relationship to his environment from both a practical and philosophical standpoint. Such topics as eatable wild foods, wilderness survival, and the need for wilderness preservation have been investigated. Several books have been read in each of these areas and in addition we have made several field trips. We have looked over three or four proposed wilderness areas in Arkansas and Missouri but have become most familiar with the Caney Creek area in western Arkansas. Besides making several day hikes, we camped out for four days in the Caney Creek area during the spring of 1974. The pictures in this notebook were taken while we were on this outing. The results of the project have been very broad and general and have served as a means rather then an ends in itself. In other words; our project has made us more aware of our natural surroundings and served as an initiative for our continuing to develop a healthy and meaningful relationship with our environment.

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