It Should Not Be a He Said She Said Verdict



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Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 4:24:13 PM
To: kbalsam
Subject: Support for Professor Ford

Dear Professor Balsam:
Please relay my sincere best wishes and full support for Professor Ford as she faces “the world” in the coming days, weeks, months, and years.
She has exhibited unique courage and exemplary moral fortitude. In the event a fund raiser is established to help with any legal fees, please let me know. I would gladly send a donation.
My very best to you and the department you chair.
Raouf J. Halaby
Professor Emeritus

Shortly after hitting the send button, the networks reported that death threats on Dr. Ford and her family were made; the Ford family has had to move out of their home. To the best of my knowledge, no such threats have been reported against Brett Kavanaugh and his family.

Abhorrent does not even begin to describe these ghoulish and diabolical attacks and threats.

Has this country tumbled into medieval and barbaric tribalism?

Thanks to Donald Trump’s rhetoric of xenophobic hate, self-serving policies, disregard for the rule of law and the truth, and his predatory, misogynous behavior, lies, and braggadocio, the nation has slithered into a Last Days of the American Empire nativist thinking.

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