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McClellan Hall Room 205


Since one of the known causes of cancer is virus infection causing changes in gene regulation, being able to compare the expression and methylation of regular tumors and virus-related tumors could provide much needed information into virus induced cancer such as HBV-related HCC. OncoDB's oncovirus analysis capabilities can provide information and research opportunities that past research has not had.


Apr 24th, 3:10 PM Apr 24th, 3:25 PM

Using OncoDB's Oncovirus Analysis for HBV-related HCC

McClellan Hall Room 205

Since one of the known causes of cancer is virus infection causing changes in gene regulation, being able to compare the expression and methylation of regular tumors and virus-related tumors could provide much needed information into virus induced cancer such as HBV-related HCC. OncoDB's oncovirus analysis capabilities can provide information and research opportunities that past research has not had.


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