Date of Award


Document Type



Christian Studies

First Reader

Dr. Byron Eubanks

Second Reader

Professor Terese Cox

Third Reader

Professor Jason Greenwich


“Does apologetics play a role in modern-day missions at all?” When discussing this question with current missionaries, the answer became apparent: apologetics can be an effective tool to aid in missions, but it does not prove effective or even beneficial in every cultural context. This realization begs the following question: “In what kind of cultural context can apologetics help rather than hinder missions?” Through my research, I found that the post-modern, secular context of Europe provides a ripe harvest for apologetics in missions. Throughout my paper, I explore a broad biblical framework for apologetics in missions then expound specifically on the need for apologetics in European missions. A critical aspect of this thesis includes excerpts from the interviews I conducted with missionaries, cross-cultural strategists, and missiologists, as their insight ultimately enabled me to draw my conclusion that apologetics can be an effective entry strategy for European missions.



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