Everybody Wins, Except the Palestinians



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The Iran nuclear negotiations are over, the scripted rhetoric and posturing goes on, and all parties involved, directly or indirectly, are looking for fig-leaf-talking-points behind which they could claim their side won the day.

Obama is crowing like a rooster; Iranian leaders are screaming told you so; presidential candidates from both sides of the aisle are jumping the band wagon for ‘n’agin (because of political expediency, more of the latter); in typical Clinton fashion, Hillary’s riding coat tails and claiming a measure of credit for herself; the Huck-Huckstering preacher (who sees no shame in taking gambling money) is crying vile; the thuggish theocratic Saudis and their regional like-minded cousins are going to plow more oil resources into weapons that will benefit U.S., British, and French coffers (arms that will no doubt be handed over to Neanderthal ISIS-like types); and the howling Israelis, always playing the victim card, have gone deeper into an imagined abyss of existential threat.

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